Epilog – The Speed of Light

I watched a YouTube video that walked through Einstein’s thought experiments on Special Relativity. The interesting take away was that everyone thought either Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave theory of light was wrong, or the Michelson-Morley experiment was wrong, or something else was wrong with the observations about light.

But Einstein said the observations have been confirmed many times, no one is getting different answers, so if the observations are right, then what must be wrong is our perception of reality. We’re fighting the observations to hold onto our perceptions. And if we let go of our perceptions, then the simple equation for speed

Speed = distance/time

tells us that, if the speed of light is measured the same relative to an observer no matter how fast an observer is moving, then what must be wrong is our understanding of time and distance.

Yeah, it’s a mind-bender, because we have no experiences to help us understand the variableness of distance and time. But Einstein was right.

There was a moment, a long time ago, when I was walking across the Quad, thinking about Jesus being one with harlots (and vice versa), that I realized it was my perception of God that was wrong. The angst I felt was from holding on to something that I believed to be true, but wasn’t. It wasn’t that God didn’t exist, it was just everyone had it all wrong. There’s no right or wrong, heaven or hell, punishment or reward. There’s no divine intervention. Jesus isn’t coming back. And neither are you. If you’re gonna go forward in this life, you gotta quit believing everything somebody ever told you about God. The only place to find God is in your feelings, everything else is just stuff somebody made up. The only way to find your path is to know what you want.

And, yeah, it’s a mind-bender. But it’s all about letting go of the rocks, being carried away by the stream, not dying of boredom, and listening to the still small voice. A voice that says follow what you want, not what you think God wants, and you will be ok. There were a lot of bumps in the road, but I never wanted to turn back.

It is The Way.

No promises, no guarantees, no demands, no retribution. Assume this life is it – one and done. Don’t waste it. Follow your heart as best you can. See what happens.